Cinderford Town 3 Bishops Cleeve Colts 0

Cinderford welcomed top of the league Bishops Cleeve Colts to St Johns Cricket Club following two previous away wins to the other Bishops Cleeve sides.

Bishops Cleeve started the stronger side with the defence of Henry Wall, Lewis White, Riley McClellan and Dan Bowles being put to the test and keeper James Martin pulling off some excellent saves.

After 15 minutes a goal kick to George Ferson and an inch perfect pass to Josh Woodroffe led to a great goal and meant a 1-0 lead for the Cinderford side.

Cinderford continued up beat following the goal and remained in control for the rest of the half with strong performances from the midfield of Scott Jackson, Jimmy Wicks, Justin Price and Callum Lanfear and with the back four combating any pressure well.

The second half started and saw Cinderford introduce Gemma Barton, Connor Emsley and Sam Gibson.  Cinderford continued to push forward and absorb any pressure from the Bishops Cleeve side.  Cinderfords second goal came soon into the second half and was scored following Bishops Cleeve clearing a well delivered corner ball, but only as far as Dan Bowles who’s shot skimmed past the post and into the back of the net, 2-0.

Bishops Cleeve then attacked well and Cinderford had to soak up extreme pressure for a further 10 minutes when the coach decided to re introduce Justin Price to the game.  Justin had only been back on the pitch for a matter of minutes when he passed a precise ball over the top of the Cleeve defence and Josh Woodroffe slid it home underneath the Bishops Cleeve keeper, 3 -0.

A great game to watch with end to end action throughout and both clubs playing in great spirit.  An outstanding win for a Cinderford U13 side which have only been playing together for a season and who are definitely inform at the moment.

Josh Woodroffe picked up the man of the match award which was well deserved following his recent form of 7 goals in the last 4 games.

Team: James Martin (Capt.), Riley McClellan, Lewis White, Dan Bowles, Henry Wall, Justin Price, Callum Lanfear, Jimmy Wicks, Scott Jackon, George Ferson, Josh Woodroffe
Subs: Sam Gibson, Gemma Barton, Conner Emsley
Goalscorers: Josh Woodroffe x 2, Dan Bowles
Man of the Match: Josh Woodroffe
Categories: Match Reports


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