Our Under 9 team are running open training sessions for all those interested in being considered for the league teams next season.  If you have a child who will be in school year 3 or 4 next year interested in trying out for Cinderford Town’s Under 9s teams please contact us using the form below.

Training will take place on Wednesday August 6th and Wednesday August 13th at 18:00 on the field at Forest E-Act Academy in Cinderford.

The squads for next season will be chosen based on those who played for us last season alongside some new players who attend these open training sessions.  If there is enough interest we may run multiple teams.  Training is likely to be on a Wednesday or Thursday evening with games on a Saturday morning.

The club has some exciting plans for the youth teams over the next 12-24 months and we’re keen to get the right players involved in the club now.  Please get in touch via the form below to register your child’s interest.

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